How to Use war cry in a Sentence
war cry
Did maclunkey amount to a war cry or a plea for Han not to shoot?
—Alex Horton, Washington Post, 13 Nov. 2019
And from the top of the traffic signals and the walls came a wave of sound, a war cry.
—Rory Smith, New York Times, 4 Apr. 2018
Not a brave war cry, but screams of terror and madness.
—David Obuchowski, Longreads, 25 Jan. 2018
His war cry went straight from our televisions and movie screens into our hearts and minds.
—Gustavo Arellano, Star Tribune, 19 Mar. 2021
Trump softened Bannon’s full-on war cry a bit on Monday.
—Linda Feldmann, The Christian Science Monitor, 19 Oct. 2017
On the commander's order, the troops would rush towards the castle, shouting a war cry.
—William Gurstelle, Popular Mechanics, 11 Apr. 2019
Cheering on your own isn't as good as cheering with a friend, and that's not as good as cheering in a large crowd chanting war cries.
—Angela Dewan, CNN, 2 Apr. 2020
Colored lights played on the stone walls, and the P.A. system issued a spooky soundtrack of galloping hoofs and war cries, evoking the battle of 1862.
—Christopher Reynolds,, 18 Mar. 2018
From the looks of the teaser trailer, there's plenty of stunning scenery and banter between the two friends — as well as the occasional war cry.
—Ruth Kinane,, 10 June 2020
The single opens with vocals echoing the Warrior Princess’ famous war cry and melts into a rush of bass and techno as the Palestian singer’s voice commands the track.
—Charisma Madarang, Rolling Stone, 2 Feb. 2023
Selma is a play on the word selva, which in Portugues translates to jungle, it is also used by the Brazilian military as a war cry.
—Sarah Rumpf, Fox News, 10 Jan. 2023
Hearing its metallic war cry in the open air is a privilege that makes getting wet seem totally worthwhile.
—Tim Pitt, Robb Report, 28 Sep. 2021
The guttural moan Molly releases in that moment is a war cry for horny women everywhere.
—Maggie Fremont, Vulture, 17 Apr. 2024
Those words remain both a war cry of an underdog and an albatross after a dismal downturn.
—Chris Solari, Detroit Free Press, 5 Oct. 2017
Black Girl Magic was a response and war cry for not just being one way, but being messy and brilliant and understanding the ever-changing forms of the black women's body.
—Jordannah Elizabeth, Chicago Reader, 13 Mar. 2018
Clayton, a mountain of an individual, acquits himself well with the war cry.
—Nicholas Quah, Vulture, 17 Nov. 2021
One of the scariest experiences involved a large pickup truck pulling dangerously close to her on Highway 17 and its driver rolling down the window to mimic a war cry.
—Deepa Fernandes, San Francisco Chronicle, 29 Sep. 2021
Breaking up the tech giants is a satisfying war cry—but probably futile.
—The Economist, 18 July 2019
One arresting voice comes through like a war cry, all ancient, melismatic syllables in unsettled rhythms.
—New York Times, 22 Oct. 2021
And at President Biden’s address to the conference, four protesters interrupted his speech, letting out a war cry and holding up a banner calling on the president to declare a climate emergency.
—WIRED, 16 Nov. 2022
Protesters in cities throughout China were actually chanting Patrick Henry's revolutionary war cry from 1775 this week, as tens of thousands poured into the streets in defiance of the authoritarian regime in Beijing.
—William Falk, The Week, 3 Dec. 2022
Another international triumph for Messi's arch rival sent the Twitter warriors into a frenzy; like coiled springs patiently waiting for the war cry that was referee Alberto Mallenco's final whistle.
—, 19 June 2019
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'war cry.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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